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Your Best Choice 


Roselands Florist is a Sydney Based Retail shop that have been open for nearly 30 years Since 1995, we pride ourselves on friendly customer service and an eye for detail.

Our creative florists boast many years of experience, our boss spend months each year around the world to learn the updated skills, make sure our floral work is stunning in trends and guaranteed to impress.

Beauty and Affordable are the goals to the customers, work from 4 am to pick the most fresh flowers for daily use, over the past 25 years, our customers know that we can reply on, thanks for their trust, it had brought many rewards, one of which is 2014 Local business rewards from council. We believe that our flowers can voice themselves perfectly with passion and love.


We hope everyone who sends and receives can feel the sweetness of the flowers as well as the regard from our florists



无论你是需要求婚派对,婚礼用花,教堂典礼,生日布置,毕业花束,开业花篮,商务前台,周年庆典,新生宝宝,绿植多肉等,应有尽有,尽可放心找我们交谈哦~ 提前预约全悉尼地区可送货!我们是专业的实体花店,花艺师均有澳大利亚最高花艺等级证书,全球花艺连锁荣誉会员,接了您的单,就是品质的保障!绝无后顾之忧~


MONDAY - SATURDAY 8:30 - 17:30 

THURSDAY 8.30 - 20:30

SUNDAY 9:30 - 16:30 

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